Grey Lynn Community Church

What can I do?

We believe that Jesus blesses each of us with different gifts and talents but there is doubt and low self-esteem that dominate our feelings and emotions most of the time. It really stops us from moving forward and do something good to glorify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The best thing to do is:


Get connected with Grey Lynn Community Church and to find a place where you feel you belong to and to meet others as we journey together to build God’s kingdom. Get connect here.


Grow by allowing yourself to be challenged and encouraged in your understanding of Jesus and allowing him to transform you. God never intended for us to make it through life alone. Life at Grey Lynn Community Church goes well beyond our Sunday celebration times. We have a wide range of different ministries aimed at connecting people with each other and with God. We also encourage people to get involved in contributing to church and community life, living by faith, giving hope and expressing love with all the people they live, work and laugh with.


As Matthew 20:28 says; "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.". And so we believe everyone who chooses to follow Jesus is called to serve him. We believe, whether you know it or not – there are things that you can do, that no one else can do quite like you can do it.

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